Mercury Soul @ Saint Joseph’s Society For The Arts

Join Mason as he presents the next Mercury Soul event at Saint Joseph’s Society for the Arts on April 22, 2022.

Featuring DJ sets by: DJ Masonic (Mason Bates), special guest Rob Garza (Thievery Corporation), live modular electronica from DJ Justin Reed (illmeasures Chicago, machine tone music).

Performances by: International Orange Chorale, SFCM Baroque Ensemble, SFCM Percussion.

Music by Mason Bates, Steve Reich, Brian Eno, Erik Satie, Arvo Pärt, DJ Justin Reed

“Ignite your awe and wonder with the luxe beats and orchestral delights of world-renowned DJs and classical artists, Mercury Soul, who are joining together for one special night in the luxe cathedral space of the Saint Joseph’s Arts Foundation. Vibes include: lush electronica meets a classical moment meets craft cocktails.”

For more information visit Mercury Soul